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December 5, 2017: Newsletter - Save a Life—Get a Naloxone Kit to Treat an Opioid Overdose

There has been a lot of news about opioid overdoses recently. Opioids, such as oxycodone and morphine, are medications used to treat pain. You can suffer an opioid overdose even when the medication has been prescribed for you. The risk is greater with high doses and for people with certain medical conditions, or when an opioid is taken with alcohol or sleeping pills. Signs of an opioid overdose include weakness and limpness of the body, difficulty waking up, and breathing that has slowed or stopped.

Naloxone is a medication that can temporarily treat an opioid overdose. If given right away, naloxone can help keep the person alive until an ambulance comes. Naloxone kits are available without a prescription. Some provinces and territories provide these kits free of charge. Ask your healthcare provider how and where you can get a naloxone kit to keep at home.  Read more ...

• Tips for Practitioners