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Safe Infusion Therapy for Home and Community Care:

Monographs for Commonly Administered Intravenous Medications

With support from Health Quality Ontario, ISMP Canada developed standardized intravenous drug information monographs to support safe infusion therapy for patients receiving care in the home.

A survey was circulated to home care providers in order to determine the top 10 medications administered in the home and community setting. These monographs were created to enable prescribers, care coordinators, nurses, and pharmacists quick and easy access to practical, evidence-supported information. The monographs are tailored to the home and community setting and each monograph includes the following sections: Outpatient Considerations, Monitoring Guidelines (both laboratory and nursing), Drug Interactions and Patient Engagement.


Drug Monographs:

Monographs for Commonly Administered Intravenous Medications in Home and Community Care: